The Real Edward Gentry
JoinedPosts by The Real Edward Gentry
Be extra careful if you choose to drive tonight.
by The Real Edward Gentry inlots of people are drinking heavily and letting their wives drive..
The Real Edward Gentry
Lots of people are drinking heavily and letting their wives drive.
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Science corner
by The Real Edward Gentry inon other boards and new sites they are talking about contact with aliens in the next 20 years.
i think that would be reckless and dangerous.
how could you tell if it was a genuine space alien and not a demon?
The Real Edward Gentry
Finkelsteina month agoa month ago
So Edward Gentry whats your story ? you stated that were involved with the JWS, how long ?
and are you still attending meetings ?
Are you DFed ?
Professions in the Paradise
by The Real Edward Gentry inwe know there will be no money in paradise.
but there will almost certainly be jobs to do.
we will be perfect at our jobs but that doesn't mean we will be perfect at every job.
The Real Edward Gentry
We know there will be no money in paradise. But there will almost certainly be jobs to do. We will be perfect at our jobs but that doesn't mean we will be perfect at every job. People will still be unique and will pursue and become skilled at those things of interest to them. We will trade favors. Perhaps you may repair a brothers roof and in exchange he will landscape your yard.
It led me to imagine what the resurrected men from the bible will be interested in!
Just imagine having your roof repaired by Elijah or Moses! Or having a new chair or cabinets built by Noah! And then preparing a meal for them!
Such good times ahead.
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Dinosaurs in Paradise
by The Real Edward Gentry ini'm so thankful for sites such as this.
i realise it's our imperfection but god's organization is not always open to 'outside the box' thinkers such as ourselves.
i've been researching dinosaurs and god's reason for not preserving these beasts beyond the flood of noah's day.
The Real Edward Gentry
I'm so thankful for sites such as this. I realise it's our imperfection but God's organization is not always open to 'outside the box' thinkers such as ourselves.
I've been researching dinosaurs and God's reason for not preserving these beasts beyond the flood of Noah's day. And I believe I may understand why. Man would use them for warfare as he did the horse. Imagine a cavalry of tyannosaurs! Or flying into battle on the back of a pterodactyl. Mankind would have destroyed himself before God's name could be known throughout the earth.
But I dont think there is any doubt that these creatures will be restored in the paradise. Imagine surveying your orchard from the back of a Pterodactyl. Or clearing a forest with the help of brontosaurus!
Such good times ahead.
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Hee Haw was not clean
by The Real Edward Gentry inso, my son bought me a device that allows me to look up and watch anything i want.
i remember years ago , i enjoyed the television show hee haw on sunday evenings.
i naively thought it was wholesome family entertainment.
The Real Edward Gentry
So, my son bought me a device that allows me to look up and watch anything I want. I remember years ago , I enjoyed the television show Hee Haw on Sunday evenings. I naively thought it was wholesome family entertainment. I was wrong.
The HEE HAW show debuted back in 1969 and ran weekly for more than 20 years. HEE HAW was one of the most godless and evil television shows ever produced; yet, many Christians watched it regularly because Roy Clark, Buck Owens, and others, sang a Gospel song towards the end of each show. During the rest of the show, much of what you saw was women's breasts exposed, women laying in suggestive positions, dirty jokes, women wearing miniskirts, women being sensual, women and men flirting with each other, men looking at women. It wasn't just clean fun. There's nothing "clean" about lasciviousness.
Only God knows the number of victims, and God DOES know! Do you know what "lasciviousness" is? It is unhealthy sexual desire that causes people to commit sexual sins. Shows like HEE HAW lead men into adultery, fornication, and every other sexual sin imaginable.
I call these types of people "entertainment Christians." Such people speak like Christians; but live like heathens. They sing Gospel songs; while drinking booze, chasing women, cursing God, and living like fools. They are phonies. They never tell a lost sinner how to gain eternal life. They have been choked by the cares and riches of this world.
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My Personal Study
by The Real Edward Gentry inmy current personal study is about the resurection.besides the nine well known resurections (the son of the zaraphath widow, the son of the shulamite woman, the man whose body touched elisha's bones, lazarus, jesus, son of the widow nain, the daughter of jairus, dorcas and eutychus).
there was enoch who god 'transfered' so he wouldn't see death and elijah who god took away in a flaming chariot hidden in a whilwind!
as well as these there were the holy men ofjerusalem resurrected at the same time as jesus.
The Real Edward Gentry
What is of joy to a Christian , is that we are baptized into Christs death and we experience a resurrection when we come up into a newness of life and learn as new born infants to form a longing for the unadulterated milk of the word as we grow to salvation in Christ .
We learn to put on Christ and death has no more authority over him .
What is also interesting is that Jesus gave his Disciples a command
to go ' preach the good news , heal the sick , raise the dead and expel demons.'
its interesting we see people preaching the good news but not doing the other commands
And the Apostles were told to teach people from the nations to 'observe' all the commandments , Jesus had taught them .
Raising the dead is one of them .
Christ has taken our sins in his own body and nailed them to a tree , and by his stripes we were healed
So if we want to get the gospel out then we have to go to the sinners and let them know
Jesus didn't die for good men , they don't need him
He died for sinnersLink +2 / -0 -
Science corner
by The Real Edward Gentry inon other boards and new sites they are talking about contact with aliens in the next 20 years.
i think that would be reckless and dangerous.
how could you tell if it was a genuine space alien and not a demon?
The Real Edward Gentry
I was involved for for over 30 years.
On a business trip to California, a co-worker asked me to attend a Full Gospel Businessman's Luncheon. This is what prompted me to exit the organisation. That doesn't mean that there aren't things I don't still agree with.
But the luncheon opened my eyes. God is doing amazing things in the lives of men all over the world. Of course i'm mostly familiar with the United States. I met people there who were jewish who knew Jesus. Catholics. A man from Jamaica. If you've never attended one id encourage you to.
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Science corner
by The Real Edward Gentry inon other boards and new sites they are talking about contact with aliens in the next 20 years.
i think that would be reckless and dangerous.
how could you tell if it was a genuine space alien and not a demon?
The Real Edward Gentry
So Edward Gentry whats your story ? you stated that were involved with the JWS, how long ?
Science corner
by The Real Edward Gentry inon other boards and new sites they are talking about contact with aliens in the next 20 years.
i think that would be reckless and dangerous.
how could you tell if it was a genuine space alien and not a demon?
The Real Edward Gentry
On other boards and new sites they are talking about contact with aliens in the next 20 years. I think that would be reckless and dangerous. How could you tell if it was a genuine space alien and not a demon?
After the final test it will be more obvious so I think such experiments should be left till then. My mother has a friend who was married to one of the remnant. His name is Larry.
Marrying a member of the remnant could be very advantagous. Imagine having a close friend in heaven ruling alongside Jesus Christ himself!
I was speaking with Larry at a convention and he gave me food for thought. According to the latest research by Dr. Moody (Georgia Tech) our memory may well be stored outside of our brain. Our brain acting as a radio receiver. Our memory is stored "in the cloud" This would explain everything from near death experiences to past life memory. It also goes a long way to explaining the technique of the resurrection.
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